Monday, May 07, 2007

Graduation and Goodbye

MBA school is finished! I can't believe it's over already. The graduation ceremony was at 8 am in the Marriott Center and it was very special. Elder Bednar of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles attended because he had a son graduating from the MACC program and he chose to take a few minutes to speak as well. He spoke of a fellow graduate from his program that he thought of at the time as the most spiritual person in his group (the most likely person to become an apostle in his mind) and how many years later this man ended up in his office having lost his family and his membership in the church due to choices he made. He reminded us that "where much is given (not much is expected) much is required". He also bestowed an Apastolic blessing upons us all that we would take his message to heard and be able to live lives that would be worthy of the blessings we've received. I feel so honored to have gone to BYU for my graduate school experience and look forward to a future of giving back to the church, my family, BYU, and society.

I now say farewell to most of my family and friends as I take off for Seattle this weekend. We just returned last night from a week of vacationing in Southern California where we had a LOT of fun. It was nice to get away and celbrate together before work starts. I will actually be in Seattle rooming with a couple of BYU friends with my family still in Utah as our home is being built. It will make for an interesting situation because I'll miss my family so much but we're going to make it work.

I hope this blog site has served to provide some insights into my experience as a BYU MBA student. This program has met and exceeded my expectations overall. Yes, there were things I wish I would have done perhaps a bit differently, I wish I would have been able to take some additional classes that didn't fit into my schedule, I would have liked to participate more in some of the extracurricular activities, etc. However, my family and I have grown so much through this experience, I have developed so many meaningful relationships that will continue throughout my life, and I've had so many opportunities opened up to me. I am very grateful to now be a BYU MBA alum and will continue to build on the gift I have been given. I am committed to being involved in the school and the program and hope you will let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.


Inc Magazine said...

Hey, I just saw your Blog listed at the top of the blogsearch: "BYU MBA"

I'm starting a new blog since I'm beginning the BYU MBA program. I was wondering if you would add a link to my new BYU MBA blog from your site?


Daniel said...

Done- a long time ago. Just wanted to make sure I made it official through this site.