Thursday, November 23, 2006

I'm going to Microsoft- the job choice is complete.

I accepted my offer from Microsoft a couple of days ago and will be moving to Seattle to participate in their 2-year rotation program starting in May or June of next year. I received a total of 3 offers (Microsoft, Dell, & American Express) but in the end the Microsoft job is much more aligned with what I'm looking for with the company, opportunities, and roles available when I leave this program. Dell's offer was very 'healthy' but the biggest draw was not the job, it was the dream home we'd be able to live in right out of school. Amex is going to be an awesome opportunity but I'm not as interested in the financial services industry and don't think it was the best fit for my small family (at least at this time).

I've been talking with a number of people in various departments at Microsoft in the past couple of weeks to better understand the day-to-day work, roles, people, and other aspects of my future employment. Jason Carson and Logan Sutherland are both going to Microsoft as well and have been a big factor in helping me make my decision. I respect them both very much and am excited that Pat Brady will also be joining us (plus Jared Baker from Finance). The people that I've talked to at Microsoft have been awesome and it gets me even more excited to start. It's kind of crazy having the job search complete- after all the time and effort invested things finally paid off. I couldn't be happier!!

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